Atmospheric Winds Can Both Energize and Dampen Ocean Eddies

Our planet’s oceans are not just vast bodies of water; they also have their own distinct weather patterns that play a crucial role in shaping global climate and influencing everything from the weather we experience on land to the functioning of marine ecosystems. One key component of ocean weather is ocean eddies, which are circular currents of water that stretch across vast distances—typically around 100 kilometers wide. These swirling water masses, often hidden beneath the ocean’s surface, have long been an area of intense study, as they impact heat distribution, nutrient cycling, and even carbon storage.

New research led by scientists from the University of Rochester has upended long-standing theories about how atmospheric winds interact with these ocean eddies. Using satellite imagery and high-resolution climate model data, the study provides surprising insights into the intricate relationship between atmospheric forces and ocean circulation patterns, specifically eddies. This research, published in Nature Communications, reveals that the effects of atmospheric wind on eddies are far more complex and varied than previously believed.

Rethinking the Wind-Eddy Relationship

For years, scientists operated under the assumption that atmospheric winds had a damping effect on ocean eddies, effectively slowing them down. It was thought that winds, particularly those moving across the surface of the ocean, would serve to restrain the spinning of these water masses, disrupting their motion and affecting their behavior. However, the new study challenges this idea, offering a more nuanced view of how wind interacts with eddies and other ocean currents.

Hussein Aluie, a professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Mathematics at the University of Rochester, and a senior scientist at the University’s Laboratory for Laser Energetics, led the study. Aluie explains that the interaction between atmospheric winds and ocean currents, especially eddies, is actually much more intricate than scientists had assumed. The wind’s influence on eddies varies depending on the direction in which the winds are blowing and the spin of the eddies themselves.

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“It’s actually more interesting than what people had previously thought,” says Aluie. “There’s a marked asymmetry in how the wind affects these motions, and it depends on the direction they spin.”

The earth’s prevailing winds were previously thought to slow down ocean weather patterns like eddies and strain, but new research shows that prevailing winds can energize ocean weather patterns if their spin is aligned. Credit: University of Rochester illustration / Shikhar Rai

Understanding the Wind’s Effect on Eddies

The research found that the prevailing winds, such as the westerlies and trade winds, interact with ocean eddies in ways that are far from straightforward. When these winds blow against the direction of the eddy’s spin, they tend to slow the eddy down, dampening its motion. However, when the winds blow in the same direction as the eddy’s spin, they energize the eddy, increasing its strength and speed.

This nuanced interaction between wind and eddy motion creates a dynamic system in which both the atmosphere and the ocean influence each other in complex ways. In other words, the relationship between atmospheric wind patterns and ocean circulation is not simply one of wind slowing or accelerating currents; it is more like a partnership, where the wind can either assist or resist the natural spinning of the eddies depending on the alignment of their respective directions.

The Role of Ocean Strain Patterns

In addition to eddies, the study also looked at the role of another key component in ocean circulation: strain patterns. Strain refers to the intricate tangle of ocean currents that exists between eddies. While these patterns are often difficult to discern with the naked eye, they play a critical role in the ocean’s overall kinetic energy. In fact, strain accounts for about half of the ocean’s total kinetic energy.

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Aluie and his team discovered that, just like eddies, the behavior of these strain patterns is also influenced by atmospheric winds. Strain patterns can be either dampened or energized by the wind in ways that mirror the interaction with eddies. This means that the way wind impacts the ocean’s kinetic energy is not limited to a single type of current or motion; instead, it is a broader and more interconnected phenomenon.

Implications for Ocean Observation and Climate Modeling

This new understanding of the wind-ocean interaction has significant implications for how we study the ocean and predict its behavior. Shikhar Rai, a Ph.D. graduate in mechanical engineering from the University of Rochester and the first author of the study, highlights the potential benefits of these findings for both climate modeling and ocean observation systems.

“The new energy pathways between the atmosphere and the ocean that we discovered can help design better ocean observation systems and improve climate models,” Rai explains. “In addition to improving climate modeling, being able to better predict the ocean’s weather patterns could have practical applications for fisheries and help better direct commercial ships where to go.”

With a clearer understanding of how atmospheric winds influence ocean eddies and strain patterns, scientists can improve predictions of ocean currents, which can have far-reaching impacts on industries such as fishing, shipping, and weather forecasting. Better climate models could also help to improve our understanding of the global climate system, as the oceans play a vital role in regulating heat distribution around the globe.

Looking Toward Future Studies

While the study provides a wealth of new insights into the mechanics of wind and ocean interactions, the work is far from finished. Moving forward, Aluie and his team plan to explore the role of eddies in transporting energy between the ocean and the atmosphere. This could open up new avenues of research related to climate change, energy transfer, and weather systems. Aluie believes that understanding the role of eddies in energy transport could help refine our understanding of long-term climate processes and improve our ability to predict extreme weather events.

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“The interactions between the atmosphere and ocean are much more dynamic and complex than previously understood,” Aluie says. “As we continue to study these relationships, we will gain a deeper understanding of how energy is exchanged between the atmosphere and the ocean, and how that shapes our climate and weather patterns.”


The new research on atmospheric winds and ocean eddies is a critical step forward in our understanding of how the atmosphere and oceans interact. The findings reveal that the influence of wind on ocean currents is far more nuanced and variable than scientists once believed, with winds energizing or dampening eddies and strain patterns depending on their direction and alignment.

These discoveries have the potential to improve our climate models and observational systems, offering new tools to predict ocean currents and their impact on everything from global climate to marine ecosystems. As research into the wind-ocean connection continues, we are likely to gain even deeper insights into the complexities of our planet’s climate system—helping us not only to better predict weather patterns but also to protect the vital ecosystems that depend on the ocean’s health.

Reference: Shikhar Rai et al, Atmospheric wind energization of ocean weather, Nature Communications (2025). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-025-56310-1

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