Metal Strength May Not Be as Critical as Thought in High Explosive Experiments

For the first time, a team of researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has rigorously studied and quantified the effect of metal strength on accurately modeling coupled metal/high explosive (HE) experiments. This marks a significant advancement in understanding an elusive variable that has long posed challenges in the development of models used for national security and defense applications.

In their groundbreaking study, the research team employed a Bayesian approach to evaluate and quantify metal strength uncertainty in the context of two widely used explosives and tantalum—a strong metal. This innovative analysis sheds light on how metal strength can influence the results of coupled metal/HE experiments, a key area of study in the field of equation-of-state (EOS), which describes the state of matter under varying conditions. The study’s findings, published in the prestigious Journal of Applied Physics, provide insight into how metal strength uncertainty may not significantly affect the results as previously assumed, offering a new perspective on improving predictive models for complex systems.

Understanding the Metal/High Explosive Experiment

A coupled metal/HE experiment is a controlled process in which high explosives are detonated in conjunction with a metal material. The explosion pushes the metal, and scientists measure the velocity of its surface to infer how the explosive behaves during the transition from solid to gas. This experiment is crucial for understanding how materials respond to extreme conditions such as those found in defense applications and certain manufacturing processes.

The challenge for researchers in this domain is accurately simulating these conditions. The resulting experimental data is often difficult to interpret, and computational models play a key role in helping researchers predict the behavior of both materials under extreme stress. However, a major obstacle lies in accounting for the uncertainties that arise from the range of possible material behaviors, especially when it comes to variables like metal strength.

The Role of Metal Strength in Experimental Models

In any metal/HE experiment, the metal strength—a measure of how well the metal can withstand external forces—becomes one of the most difficult variables to quantify. The extreme dynamic conditions created by the detonation process cause both the explosive and the metal to behave in unpredictable ways. Separating out the metal’s response from that of the explosive material itself has proven to be a significant challenge. Until now, it was often assumed that accurately determining the metal strength was critical for calibrating the models used in such experiments.

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“There’s long-standing field lore suggesting that HE model calibrations are particularly sensitive to metal strength,” explained Matt Nelms, the lead author of the paper and a group leader at LLNL’s Computational Engineering Division (CED). “However, using a rigorous Bayesian approach, we found that the strength of the metal—at least in the case of tantalum—does not significantly affect the model’s predictions as we once thought.”

The Bayesian Framework: A Tool for Quantifying Uncertainty

To address this issue, the team turned to a Bayesian framework, a powerful statistical tool designed to handle uncertainty in complex systems. Bayesian analysis is fundamentally probabilistic, allowing researchers to estimate the likelihood of different outcomes based on prior knowledge and observed data. In this case, the researchers applied the framework to model the effect of metal strength uncertainty in coupled metal/HE experiments.

“The beauty of the Bayesian framework is that it doesn’t assume specific physical knowledge about the system—it’s naïve to the underlying physics,” Nelms noted. “This makes it a useful tool for tackling uncertainty without introducing biases, although it does require careful attention to ensure the results are physically meaningful.”

By integrating metal strength uncertainty into the model using Bayesian techniques, the team was able to assess its impact on the overall experimental results. They then compared these results to a model where metal strength uncertainty was ignored, offering insight into how much influence this variable had on the system as a whole.

Key Findings and Impact on Modeling

The LLNL team analyzed data from three types of common configurations using tantalum metal, one of the most widely studied metals in high-explosive research. These configurations included:

  1. Two plate tests: These experiments involve an explosive, such as LX-14 or LX-17, which pushes a thin metal disk. This configuration is useful for studying the shock wave effects and deformation of the metal.
  2. Cylinder tests: In this setup, the explosive (LX-17) expands a metal cylinder that confines it, allowing researchers to examine the dynamics of the metal under the pressure of the explosion.
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Using the Bayesian approach, the team analyzed the posterior probabilities, or the likelihood of different outcomes given the observed data. They first included metal strength uncertainty in the model, then repeated the analysis after excluding it. The difference in results between these two approaches gave the team a measure of the effect of metal strength uncertainty.

Interestingly, the analysis revealed that the impact of metal strength uncertainty on the outcomes of the experiments was smaller than previously assumed. In fact, for tantalum, the uncertainty in metal strength had an insignificant effect on the results. This discovery challenges the long-standing belief that metal strength is a critical variable for the calibration of HE models.

Nelms and his team are careful to note that their findings apply specifically to tantalum and the specific experimental setups they used. However, the Bayesian approach they employed offers a new methodology that could be applied to other metals and materials in future studies.

Moving Forward: A New Path for High Explosive Models

While the findings of the study are groundbreaking, Nelms cautions that the results are not yet transferrable to other metals. Tantalum is known for its unique properties, including its high melting point and resistance to corrosion, which may have influenced the outcomes of this study. Nonetheless, the Bayesian methodology used in the research is a powerful tool that can be applied to other materials and experimental conditions.

“The Bayesian approach allows us to rigorously assess uncertainty in a way that wasn’t possible before,” said Nelms. “We hope that future research can build on our findings to refine models further, leading to more accurate predictions in high-explosive research and, ultimately, improving our national security applications.”

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The findings of this study may also influence the development of more reliable equation-of-state models. These models are crucial for understanding how materials behave under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature—conditions that are often encountered in defense-related experiments. By reducing the uncertainty associated with metal strength, researchers can refine their predictions and design better experiments to support the development of advanced technologies.


The work done by the LLNL team represents a significant step forward in the field of high-explosive research. By using a Bayesian framework to quantify the uncertainty around metal strength, they have provided new insights into how this variable impacts the results of coupled metal/HE experiments. Their findings challenge traditional assumptions about the importance of metal strength in calibration models and open the door for more accurate, reliable predictions in defense and national security applications.

As researchers continue to refine models and incorporate new techniques, it is likely that this study will have far-reaching implications not only for the scientific community but also for industries and agencies involved in ensuring the safety, security, and advancement of national defense technologies.

Reference: Matthew Nelms et al, Uncertainty quantification of material parameters in modeling coupled metal and high explosive experiments, Journal of Applied Physics (2024). DOI: 10.1063/5.0226642

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