Permafrost: The Sleeping Giant of Climate Change

The Arctic is warming at an alarming rate, with far-reaching consequences for the global climate system. This region, home to vast expanses of permafrost, is experiencing significant changes as rising temperatures cause the ground to thaw. Permafrost is the term used to describe soil, rock, or sediment that remains frozen for more than two consecutive years. As it thaws, it releases large amounts of carbon—stored in the form of dead organic matter—that has been locked away for thousands of years. This process threatens to accelerate climate change, making the understanding of Arctic dynamics more critical than ever. Scientists are increasingly using sophisticated climate models to predict the consequences of this thawing and to explore the feedbacks involved in the process.

The Origins of Permafrost Science

The story of permafrost science begins in the early 19th century. In 1827, a Russian merchant named Fyodor Shergin tried to dig a well in his backyard in Yakutsk, Siberia, but instead of encountering liquid water, he found frozen ground. After failing to reach water at a depth of 15 meters, Shergin abandoned the effort. However, his experience caught the attention of scientists, who persuaded him to continue digging. After ten years, Shergin had reached a depth of 116 meters, and Yakutsk became an important center for the study of permafrost.

Permafrost, as a relic of the last ice age, is a frozen remnant of the planet’s past climate. The temperature of the ground remains below freezing for at least two consecutive years, regardless of its composition, whether it consists of peat, rock, or contains ice. Permafrost is predominantly found in the Northern Hemisphere, particularly in the Arctic region, where it covers about a quarter of the land’s surface. In places like Siberia, it can reach depths of up to 1500 meters, providing a clear explanation for Shergin’s difficulties in finding water beneath the ground.

The uppermost layer of permafrost, known as the active layer, thaws during the summer, allowing plants to grow in a variety of ecosystems—such as grasslands, forests, and wetlands. In some parts of the Arctic, the landscape features a mosaic-like pattern, formed when the frozen ground contracts and cracks during the cold winter months. These cracks fill with meltwater in spring, which then freezes, creating ice wedges and giving the surface its distinct, polygonal appearance.

The Impact of Global Warming on the Arctic

In recent decades, the Arctic has been warming significantly faster than the rest of the planet. This rapid rise in temperature is due in large part to a phenomenon known as Arctic amplification, where the region’s temperature increases at a rate much higher than the global average. As a result, the permafrost is beginning to thaw more deeply, with alarming consequences. The thawing of permafrost causes the land to subside and erode, and many lakes are disappearing as water drains away. New ponds are forming in the depressions left behind by the sinking ground, and existing lakes are merging due to the lack of ice that once kept them contained.

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The changing landscape, characterized by subsiding land and shifting bodies of water, is known as Thermokarst. This term combines the word “thermo,” which refers to temperature, and “karst,” a geological term for landscapes formed by the dissolution of soluble rocks. Thermokarst features jagged formations resulting from the thawing and collapse of permafrost. It marks the visible transformation of the Arctic landscape in response to rising temperatures, and its impact is profound—not just on the terrain, but on the global climate as well.

The Carbon Store of Permafrost

Perhaps the most concerning aspect of permafrost thawing is the massive amount of carbon it stores. The soils in the permafrost regions hold approximately twice as much carbon as the Earth’s atmosphere. This carbon is in the form of dead plant material that, under normal conditions, remains frozen and preserved in the cold temperatures. However, as the permafrost thaws, microorganisms begin to decompose this organic material, releasing greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane into the atmosphere. Methane is especially concerning, as it is approximately 28 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2 over a 100-year period.

The Arctic, already a key player in global climate dynamics, could further accelerate climate change if this carbon is released at a large scale. Climate scientists are working tirelessly to understand how much of the stored carbon will be released, when it will be released, and in what form. The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) has been at the forefront of this research, using advanced climate models to explore these complex processes.

Wet or Dry: The Question of Methane Emissions

A major focus of research has been to determine whether the carbon released from thawing permafrost will primarily take the form of carbon dioxide (CO2) or methane. This depends largely on the moisture content of the soil, which is influenced by regional climate changes. In drier soils, the decomposition process occurs in the presence of oxygen, resulting in the production of CO2. In contrast, in waterlogged soils, where oxygen is limited or absent, methane is produced during decomposition.

However, predicting whether the Arctic will become wetter or drier in the future is not straightforward. Some Earth system models (ESMs) suggest that the region will experience more precipitation, which could lead to wetter conditions and promote methane emissions. Conversely, other models predict that the thawing of permafrost will lower the water table and allow water to drain more easily, causing the soil to dry out over time. This complex interplay makes it difficult to predict whether the Arctic will become a net emitter of CO2 or methane.

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A study by MPI-M researchers Philipp de Vrese and his colleagues examined how these different scenarios could affect methane emissions in the Arctic. Their findings indicate that in a wetter Arctic, methane emissions could increase in some areas, but not universally. This is because the evaporation of water from moist soils could cool the land surface, limiting plant growth and reducing methane production. On the other hand, drier conditions may lead to an increase in solar radiation reaching the surface, which stimulates plant growth and provides more organic material for decomposition, ultimately increasing methane emissions.

The results from this study underscore the need for a nuanced understanding of the Arctic’s changing climate, and how moisture levels in the soil will affect the production of greenhouse gases. While the general assumption is that a wetter Arctic would lead to higher methane emissions, the situation is far more complex, and scientists must account for a range of factors when making predictions.

Global Climate Implications

The thawing of permafrost and the release of greenhouse gases could have far-reaching consequences for global climate patterns. One of the most important factors to consider is the effect that the warming Arctic will have on the temperature gradient between the tropics and the Arctic. As the Arctic warms, the temperature difference between the two regions diminishes, which could alter precipitation patterns near the equator.

These changes could affect methane emissions from tropical wetlands, which are already the largest natural source of methane. If the Arctic warms sufficiently to reduce the temperature gradient, this could exacerbate methane emissions in the tropics, further accelerating global warming. According to Philipp de Vrese, “It is truly astonishing that a spatially limited process would have such far-reaching consequences.” This illustrates how interconnected the Earth’s climate systems are, with even localized changes in the Arctic having the potential to influence the global climate.

In addition to the release of greenhouse gases from thawing permafrost, there are other potential impacts on the global carbon cycle. For example, as coastal permafrost erodes due to rising temperatures and wave action, carbon stored in the eroded material enters the ocean. This carbon is then decomposed in the ocean, increasing the CO2 content of the surface waters and reducing the ocean’s capacity to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. This feedback loop could further exacerbate the effects of climate change.

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The Challenges of Modeling the Arctic

Understanding the full scope of the Arctic’s impact on global climate is a complex task, requiring the use of Earth system models (ESMs). These models simulate various aspects of the Earth’s climate system, including temperature, precipitation, and carbon fluxes. However, there is a significant challenge in representing the fine-scale features of the Arctic landscape, as many processes occur on much smaller scales than those typically captured by models.

Current models use grids with resolutions of one to 100 kilometers, but the characteristics of the Arctic landscape—such as the distribution of wetlands, soil properties, and vegetation—are much more heterogeneous on a finer scale. To address this, the MPI-M has partnered with the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry and the Austrian company b.geos in the “Q-Arctic” project. This initiative aims to collect observational data and use satellites to improve the representation of Arctic landscapes in Earth system models.

The goal is to account for landscape features such as wetlands and surface water bodies, which play a significant role in carbon dynamics. By improving the spatial resolution of the models, scientists hope to gain a more accurate understanding of how the Arctic will respond to climate change and how its changes will impact the global climate system.


The thawing of permafrost in the Arctic represents one of the most significant feedback mechanisms in the global climate system. As temperatures rise and the permafrost begins to thaw, vast amounts of carbon are being released into the atmosphere, potentially accelerating climate change. While the specific outcomes of this process are still uncertain, scientists are making significant strides in improving climate models to predict the future of the Arctic and its impact on the planet.

The research being conducted by institutions like the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology is crucial for understanding how the Arctic will continue to evolve in a warming world. As scientists continue to dig deeper into the complexities of permafrost thawing, their work will play a pivotal role in shaping our understanding of the global climate system and informing strategies for mitigating climate change in the future.

References: Philipp de Vrese et al, Permafrost Cloud Feedback May Amplify Climate Change, Geophysical Research Letters (2024). DOI: 10.1029/2024GL109034

David M. Nielsen et al, Reduced Arctic Ocean CO2 uptake due to coastal permafrost erosion, Nature Climate Change (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41558-024-02074-3

Meike Schickhoff et al, Effects of land surface model resolution on fluxes and soil state in the Arctic, Environmental Research Letters (2024). DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad6019

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