No Big Bang? Quantum Gravity Model Suggests Eternal Universe

A revolutionary new model combining quantum corrections with Einstein’s theory of general relativity might just have cracked some of the universe’s deepest mysteries. The model proposes that the universe may not have had a definitive beginning, resolving the Big Bang singularity, a long-standing problem in cosmology. This innovative approach also addresses the perplexing phenomena of dark matter and dark energy, potentially solving several fundamental puzzles simultaneously.

The Current Understanding of the Universe’s Age

According to current cosmological theory, based on Einstein’s general relativity, the universe is about 13.8 billion years old. This age estimate is grounded in observations such as the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation and the rate of expansion of the universe, or the Hubble constant. General relativity explains that everything in the universe started from an infinitely dense point, a singularity, which expanded in what we call the Big Bang. This singularity represents a point where physics as we know it breaks down, unable to explain what occurred at or before that moment.

However, this “beginning” of the universe presents a paradox: general relativity’s equations can describe the universe after the singularity, but not at or before it. This has led many scientists to grapple with the problem of the Big Bang singularity, as the laws of physics appear to fall apart at that point.

The Big Bang Problem

As Ahmed Farag Ali of Benha University and Zewail City of Science and Technology in Egypt explains, “The Big Bang singularity is the most serious problem of general relativity because the laws of physics appear to break down there.” This suggests that a new framework, one that merges the classical and quantum worlds, might be needed to understand the true origins of the cosmos.

In their groundbreaking work, Ali and his coauthor Saurya Das, a physicist at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada, proposed a solution. Their model, published in the Physics Letters B, suggests that the universe may have had no distinct beginning or end. Instead, the universe could be eternal, continuously expanding and contracting in a quantum-boosted cycle, free of singularities.

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Drawing from David Bohm’s Ideas

Ali and Das’s approach is inspired by ideas proposed by the theoretical physicist David Bohm in the 1950s. Bohm, who contributed extensively to the philosophy of physics, proposed that instead of following classical geodesics (the shortest paths between two points on a curved surface), objects in the universe follow Bohmian trajectories—a quantum alternative that allows for the continuous evolution of systems without invoking singularities.

These Bohmian trajectories are at the heart of the model developed by Ali and Das. They applied these trajectories to an equation formulated by physicist Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri in the 1950s. Raychaudhuri’s equation, a key component in understanding the evolution of the universe in the context of general relativity, was used by Ali and Das to derive quantum-corrected Friedmann equations. These equations describe the expansion and evolution of the universe, including the Big Bang, but in a way that incorporates quantum effects alongside classical general relativity.

While their model doesn’t provide a full theory of quantum gravity, it blends quantum mechanics and general relativity, offering insights that could hold even as a more complete theory of quantum gravity is developed.

A Universe Without Singularity

One of the most striking aspects of the new model is its prediction that the universe has no singularities. In general relativity, singularities are often associated with catastrophic events like the Big Crunch, a theoretical collapse where the universe contracts into a dense point. This model, however, avoids both the Big Bang and Big Crunch singularities.

How does it achieve this? The key difference lies in the behavior of Bohmian trajectories. In classical general relativity, geodesics (the paths along which objects move) may eventually cross, leading to singularities where densities and curvatures become infinite. Bohmian trajectories, however, never intersect. This subtle but crucial difference ensures that no singularity can arise in the model’s equations, offering a fresh perspective on the universe’s evolution.

Quantum-Corrected Universe: A Solution for Dark Matter and Dark Energy

In addition to resolving the issue of singularities, Ali and Das’s model proposes that quantum corrections can explain some of the universe’s most perplexing mysteries. These corrections can be interpreted as introducing a cosmological constant—an element of the universe that has been linked to dark energy—and a radiation term. These terms work together to keep the universe at a finite size, allowing for its infinite age.

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The model also offers a potential explanation for dark matter and dark energy, two of the most elusive concepts in modern cosmology. Dark matter is believed to account for a large portion of the universe’s mass, while dark energy is thought to drive the accelerated expansion of the cosmos. Ali and Das suggest that these quantum corrections might be sufficient to explain both phenomena, negating the need for dark matter and dark energy as separate entities.

Remarkably, the predictions of the quantum-corrected model align closely with current observations of the cosmological constant and the density of the universe, providing further validation for their approach.

The Quantum Fluid and Gravitons

The model also proposes a new physical description of the universe. Ali and Das theorize that the universe is filled with a quantum fluid. This fluid could consist of gravitons, hypothetical massless particles that are thought to mediate the force of gravity. While gravitons have not yet been observed, they are central to the quest for a quantum theory of gravity, which would reconcile general relativity with quantum mechanics.

In related work, Saurya Das and Rajat Bhaduri, a collaborator from McMaster University in Canada, have shown that gravitons could form a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), a unique state of matter that occurs when particles are cooled to near absolute zero. In this state, gravitons could act as a quantum fluid, and the conditions in the early universe would have been ideal for such a formation. This idea opens up exciting possibilities for future research in quantum gravity and cosmology.

Future Research and Implications

Ali and Das’s model offers an intriguing solution to some of the deepest mysteries in cosmology, but much work remains to be done. The next steps involve refining their model by incorporating small inhomogeneous and anisotropic perturbations—small deviations from the idealized uniformity of the universe. While these perturbations are not expected to alter the core results significantly, their inclusion will help ensure that the model can account for the complexity of real-world observations.

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Despite the challenges ahead, Ali and Das are optimistic about the potential of their quantum-corrected approach. “It is satisfying to note that such straightforward corrections can potentially resolve so many issues at once,” says Saurya Das, emphasizing the elegance and simplicity of the solution.

The implications of their work are profound. If their model proves correct, it could reshape our understanding of the universe’s origin, structure, and fate. It could help reconcile general relativity with quantum mechanics, offering a pathway toward the elusive theory of quantum gravity. Moreover, by addressing dark matter and dark energy, it could eliminate the need for these mysterious substances, leading to a more coherent and unified picture of the cosmos.


The new model proposed by Ahmed Farag Ali and Saurya Das represents a bold and innovative step toward resolving some of the most fundamental problems in cosmology. By applying quantum corrections to the equations of general relativity, they offer a new way of understanding the universe—one without singularities, without a beginning or end, and potentially without dark matter and dark energy. Their work could have far-reaching consequences, providing not only a solution to long-standing mysteries but also a potential framework for future discoveries in the realms of quantum gravity and cosmology. As our understanding of the universe continues to evolve, this quantum-corrected model may one day be regarded as a landmark achievement in the quest to understand the very fabric of reality.

References: Ahmed Farag Ali and Saurya Das. “Cosmology from quantum potential.” Physics Letters B. Volume 741, 4 February 2015, Pages 276–279. DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.12.057. Also at: arXiv:1404.3093[gr-qc].

Saurya Das and Rajat K. Bhaduri, “Dark matter and dark energy from Bose-Einstein condensate”, preprint: arXiv:1411.0753[gr-qc].

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