Distinct Neuron Subtypes in the cNTS Regulate Feeding Behavior in Mice

The ability of organisms to regulate their food intake is crucial for survival. In humans and other animals, this capability ensures that the body gets the nutrients required for daily functions, while preventing the excessive consumption of food that could lead to health issues such as obesity or metabolic disorders. The regulation of food intake is not only a matter of conscious decisions but also a complex physiological process involving several brain regions and specialized neural pathways.

One of the critical areas in the brain that contributes to the regulation of food intake is the hypothalamus. This region of the brain has long been studied for its role in controlling hunger, satiety, and energy balance. However, recent studies have drawn attention to another crucial area: the caudal nucleus of the solitary tract (cNTS), which is located in the brainstem. While earlier neuroscience research has recognized the role of the cNTS in food regulation, new research has begun to reveal more intricate details, especially about the various types of neurons in this region and the distinct ways these neurons control feeding behaviors.

The Role of the cNTS in Food Intake Regulation

The cNTS is an essential hub for processing sensory signals that originate from the gut. It integrates multiple cues from the body to facilitate the proper regulation of food intake. Signals originating in the digestive system are passed to the cNTS, where they are converted into behaviors that influence how much we eat and when we feel full. This process is vital not only for regulating normal food intake but also for maintaining overall metabolic balance.

While the cNTS has been established as a major player in food intake regulation, the specific contributions of different subtypes of neurons within the cNTS remained largely mysterious. Researchers sought to address this knowledge gap by conducting studies that examine how distinct neuron types in the cNTS contribute to the regulation of feeding behaviors in animals.

New Insights from Recent Research

In a groundbreaking study, researchers from the Chinese Institute for Brain Research and other collaborating institutions set out to better understand the neurobiological mechanisms underlying food intake regulation by focusing on the specific neuron types in the cNTS of mice. Their findings, published in Nature Neuroscience, provide crucial insight into how these neurons influence eating behavior.

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The study’s authors, including Hongyun Wang and Runxiang Lou, investigated how specific subsets of cNTS neurons contribute to different aspects of food intake. They achieved this by analyzing a range of genetically modified cNTS-Cre mice, which allowed them to control the activity of nine distinct neuronal subtypes. By activating or deactivating these neurons, the researchers were able to observe their impact on feeding behavior and uncover the mechanisms behind different types of sensory processing in the cNTS.

Wang, Lou, and their colleagues’ research revealed that different types of neurons in the cNTS are responsible for processing distinct sensory signals from various parts of the body. These neurons interact with separate sensory pathways to regulate aspects such as food intake rate, meal size, and satiety. The study cataloged two specific populations of neurons, Th+ (tyrosine hydroxylase-expressing) neurons and Gcg+ (glucagon-like peptide 1-expressing) neurons, each contributing to different aspects of feeding.

Key Neuron Populations and Their Functions

Two of the most important findings in this study involve the Th+ neurons and Gcg+ neurons, both of which play distinctive roles in food intake regulation:

Th+ Neurons: These neurons are involved in encoding signals related to esophageal mechanical distension — essentially the feeling of physical stretching in the esophagus as food is swallowed. When these neurons are activated, they help control the rate at which food is ingested by providing quick feedback on ingestion speed. In other words, Th+ neurons influence how fast a mouse swallows food, thereby adjusting the feeding speed based on immediate sensory input from the esophagus. This allows the organism to regulate its intake rate and adapt rapidly to changes in meal characteristics, such as meal size.

Gcg+ Neurons: The role of these neurons is more focused on nutrient sensing and long-term food regulation. Gcg+ neurons monitor nutrient levels in the intestines, including the amount of calories ingested. They are responsive to both the immediate presence of nutrients and the long-term nutritional status of the organism. These neurons are primarily activated via the portal vein–spinal ascending pathway, which is different from the vagal sensory pathway utilized by Th+ neurons. The signals generated by Gcg+ neurons are crucial for promoting satiety (the feeling of fullness) and food preference over longer periods. This means they help regulate how much food is consumed during a meal and influence long-term decisions about food intake.

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Thus, while Th+ neurons govern short-term behaviors, like ingestion rate, Gcg+ neurons regulate long-term behaviors that contribute to feelings of fullness and food preference, offering feedback on how much food has been consumed and the quality of the food (in terms of its nutrient content).

Investigating Neural Dynamics and Sensory Pathways

Wang, Lou, and their research team noted that the way the neurons process sensory information in the cNTS is subject to distinct temporal dynamics—meaning that some neurons respond to immediate, transient signals, while others play a more long-term role. These differences reflect how various sensory modalities, such as mechanical stretching (from the esophagus) or nutrient content (from the intestine), contribute to the complex regulation of food intake.

Their study also uncovered the ascending sensory pathways through which the cNTS processes interoceptive cues from different visceral organs. The research revealed that sensory inputs come from both the gut and other related organs, adding a layer of complexity to how these sensory signals get integrated into coordinated feeding behavior. This fine-tuned regulation of both short-term and long-term feedback signals helps balance food intake, ensuring optimal energy intake for the body’s needs.

Implications for Treating Obesity and Eating Disorders

Understanding the specific contributions of different cNTS neuron types to the regulation of feeding behaviors holds great promise for the development of new therapeutic strategies aimed at treating eating-related disorders, including obesity, anorexia, and bulimia. In particular, the delineation of how the Th+ and Gcg+ neurons contribute to meal-related behaviors could provide novel avenues for addressing irregular feeding patterns that contribute to these conditions.

For instance, dysregulation in the way these neurons function could contribute to an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure, resulting in weight gain or loss. If therapeutic interventions could be designed to selectively target the malfunctioning neuron subtypes, it could help normalize food intake regulation and treat related diseases. Similarly, understanding how the brainstem integrates gut sensory signals could improve therapeutic methods for restoring proper feeding behaviors in individuals with disorders linked to impaired neural regulation of food intake.

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Ongoing Research and Future Directions

The study conducted by Wang, Lou, and their colleagues adds significant new insight into the neural underpinnings of how food intake is controlled. By categorizing cNTS neuron subtypes based on their sensory inputs and behavior-regulation functions, the research sets the stage for future exploration of how different neurons within the brainstem contribute to broader brain networks responsible for regulating food intake, hunger, and satiety.

Looking ahead, further studies could investigate how these subtypes of cNTS neurons interact with other brain areas, such as the hypothalamus, to produce integrated responses that guide long-term feeding behavior. Understanding the full spectrum of neural pathways involved in feeding could unlock new strategies for better treatment and prevention of eating disorders.

As we learn more about these neuron-specific mechanisms, future advancements could also address therapeutic targets within the broader brain-gut axis, which could involve directly influencing neural signaling to restore normal food intake regulation. This interdisciplinary field could bring fresh insights and novel treatment avenues that align better with the complex physiological nature of eating behaviors.


The recent research into the cNTS and its specific neuron subtypes provides new foundational knowledge in understanding how food intake is regulated at the neural level. Through the identification of critical neuron populations such as the Th+ and Gcg+ neurons, the study highlights the importance of distinct sensory pathways and temporal dynamics in controlling how we eat. These insights may lead to better treatments for metabolic disorders and pave the way for innovations in managing conditions like obesity, anorexia, and other eating disorders in the future.

Reference: Hongyun Wang et al, Parallel gut-to-brain pathways orchestrate feeding behaviors, Nature Neuroscience (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41593-024-01828-8

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